Freshers week at Roehampton University 2015

The Freshers week in Roehampton is over and I’m really excited for upcoming lectures. During this week I’ve had an opportunity to meet some of my colleagues and as well get to know the Campus a little bit. I’m very curious about the works that my colleagues made until the start of Uni, and the one of my Tutors. Since I’ve been in Wrocław, the works always described the character of the person and as well the skills. It’s fascinatingRead more

The Photographers’ Gallery (July – October 2015)

Today I’ve visited with my fellow colleagues “The Photographers’ Exhibition” near Oxford Circus. In the largest public gallery in London there were many good works that I encourage you to see. For me, the best ones was those of: Ryan McGinley and Shirley Baker. Ryan McGinley exposed 9 well framed portraits of young people having fun at music Concerts. I like this set of Photographs, because of well portrayed people. It gives me this nice and warm energy of being at a ConcertRead more

The Abstraction of Time

The Abstraction of Time. But as we all know, our body changes, the past, the moment that passed will never come back. And whatever was Now, it’s now in the past. Memory will always fail, the details are getting blurred, the facts are getting lost – everything perishes between the sand of time in the sandglass. I can freeze Now how it was Now, and it will be the same Now as you saw it in the past. I freezeRead more