Genre Assessment

This week with my fellow colleagues I was presenting my work at the Roehampton University, at the Romero Court during a assessment from a module called “Genre”.

For my genre I’ve chosen Portraits as I really enjoy making them and interactions with the people, magic! At the beginning I didn’t have a clue what could I do for my portraits, I’ve began to make some research and I’ve ended with few ideas, but I’ve chosen to make superimpositions as I always wanted to make them, but never started. It was the good moment for it and I felt it was the right thing, and I think it went very well at the end.
I’ve really enjoyed the works of my few colleagues and it gave me some other ideas for some projects. There was few Documentaries that I liked, cause of the stories it tell. I’ve enjoyed the portraits at best, and I was really positively surprised of the high-quality images produced at the assessment.