
Disempowerment – To deprive of power or influence.

Changing the environment has an impact on our lives, ourselves and how we function as human beings or as a part of a society. As an immigrant I was wiped with many emotions and states of mind being in a foreign country. Lost in a different culture it solidified temporarily with the loss of my own “I”, which at that time shaped me once again to finally improve myself into a better version. These changes were not easy, as I stepped like a child lost in the mist, searching for the exit and trying different ways to solve the problems that currently bothered me.
Although the use of English didn’t caused me that many problems, the barrier between my interlocutors on the phone was much greater than it seemed at the first sight, creating real communication problems.
When I decided to start education at the University, the challenge was to go deeper in the language into a more advanced level than the basic communicative. Reading books, articles or materials needed to study the language had advanced the struggle for knowledge and understanding that I wanted then and I want now.
Rainy Island – this is how would I call the country where I live now. At first I struggled with this, stereotypically approaching the weather, shouting in my mind: “How I hate the rain!” Gradually, however, I’ve accepted this fact. I realised that my influence on the weather is nil, and it is a character of this country and England without rain would not be the same England, that we know. Now even I like the rain, I do not mind if it rains, and I even learned how to see the charm in it – Praise the Lord!

This project was made for my Advanced Skills assessment at University of Roehampton.
I was using the Digital Medium Format Camera Phase One.

Final pictures was printed on A3 (297 x 420 mm) size Matt paper.


#Chiaroscuro, #Color, #Concept, #Digital, #Fantasy, #Medium format, #Portrait, #Print, #Sfumato, #Studio, #Surrealism